Accessing SERIES via code. TSeriesPointer
Chart.Chart.Series[-1+x].Title := 'SERIES' + IntToStr(-1+x);
I can set names to series, make MARKS visible..
But how about pointers?!
Why cant i access pointers? Anyone know how? I need this option set to visible via code.
Anyone have any thoughts? Thx.
Aside from this issue, is there a way to remove series without destroying?
Chart.Chart.Series[-1+x].Title := 'SERIES' + IntToStr(-1+x);
I can set names to series, make MARKS visible..
But how about pointers?!
Why cant i access pointers? Anyone know how? I need this option set to visible via code.
Anyone have any thoughts? Thx.
Aside from this issue, is there a way to remove series without destroying?
The chart system of FastReports uses the chart TeeChart classes (TeEngine.pas)
you have just to cast the serie to the desired specific class
You can find the list of the classes in the page :