Variable/Query problem
I am using Fast Report 4 version 4.9.64
My issue is when I try to preview my the result of a query, I get an error.
DECLARE @serial varchar(30)
set @serial = :SERIALPARAM
select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no = @serial;
Variable is set to a STRING datatype and has <serialparam> as the VALUE
When I preview the report I get an error on the page which contains the databand with the above Query.
The following error(s) have occurred:
AdoqUERY2: adoqUERY2: Error in expression ???8500078Y???: ???;??? expected
ADOQuery2: Error in expression ???8500078Y???; ???;??? expected
The data (Serial numbers) I am pulling from the table contain 8 figures, 90% are all numbers but 10% have a letter at the end.
When I examine my report, I see that it gives me an error when it gets to a serial number with a letter at the end, in this case, ???8500078Y???. Up until this point, the report has preview???d perfectly!!
When I change the above query to
DECLARE @serial varchar(30)
set @serial = ???8500078Y
select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no = @serial;
My report works without error but obviously, all my results contain the same serial number??¦
What is wrong? I just cannot seem to get around this issue!?
Many thanks
I am using Fast Report 4 version 4.9.64
My issue is when I try to preview my the result of a query, I get an error.
DECLARE @serial varchar(30)
set @serial = :SERIALPARAM
select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no = @serial;
Variable is set to a STRING datatype and has <serialparam> as the VALUE
When I preview the report I get an error on the page which contains the databand with the above Query.
The following error(s) have occurred:
AdoqUERY2: adoqUERY2: Error in expression ???8500078Y???: ???;??? expected
ADOQuery2: Error in expression ???8500078Y???; ???;??? expected
The data (Serial numbers) I am pulling from the table contain 8 figures, 90% are all numbers but 10% have a letter at the end.
When I examine my report, I see that it gives me an error when it gets to a serial number with a letter at the end, in this case, ???8500078Y???. Up until this point, the report has preview???d perfectly!!
When I change the above query to
DECLARE @serial varchar(30)
set @serial = ???8500078Y
select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no = @serial;
My report works without error but obviously, all my results contain the same serial number??¦
What is wrong? I just cannot seem to get around this issue!?
Many thanks
No ideas yet?
How about some quotation marks around @serial?
<!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto-->select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no = '@serial'<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
I'm not used to have parameters in my queries, so if that doesn't work (because of syntax), try something else to convince it is a string, like:
<!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto-->select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no LIKE @serial<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
or ultimately, do a typecast in your Where clause itself
Thanks for your help.
I tried the quotation marks around serial and your other suggestions but to no avail!
I get the same error or no error or reseult at all.
I've contacted FastReport incase it is a bug but after 3 emails, they still haven't got back to me so I'm pretty lost and overdue on a deadline with my report! Nightmare!
select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no = '098098Y'
select * from ServiceAccent_Temp where serial_no like '098098Y'
A possibility might be that some kind of conversion takes place, pure numbers padded while the ones with the letter are not?
To solve such problems in my past I have writen some code that writes the actual SQL text and its parameters to a text file, which in the case of a parametrized query must be done in the AfterOpen() event. Then I use a third party utility like IB_SQL, DBworkbench, to load the SQL text and play around with it.
The greatest advantage of it is that I am working with what the query actually gets and uses and not with what I think it gets and uses.
Using the third party utility also identifies whether the query itself or another program problem is the real problem.