Barcode info

I need som specs on the barcode component:

Specifically i need EAN128 compliance and need to know;

1. Does the component by it self put in: Start and FNC1 codes ?
2. Does the component by it self put in: Stop codes

How can i test the produces barcode for compliance with the UCC regulations ?!

Hope to receive an answer, or have i wasted my money ?!



  • edited 4:49AM
    The best way to get the answer to see into the source code and you will see what it does and then you can decide if it is EAN128 compliance. (If you waste your money for purchasing FR, I suppose You have the source) However there are several other technique to use barcodes in FR (or any report engine). You can output the barcode - created by any professional 3rd party component - as graphic data to any TGRaphic descendant's Canvas and then assign to any pictureview on the report. Use your mind and creativity and everything will be possible using this great report engine.

  • edited 4:49AM
    Sorry for my "harsh" statement about wasting money, but i just realised after i purchased the component that theres no updated help or manual to print out, and frankly, that annoys med, after all i spent the money, and granted it's an good component, but i also expect all to be updated and in order ...

    nuff said, thx for the reply.

    An add-on question arrised then : How can i put in extra AI elements in the barcode string.

    Thanx in advance
  • edited 4:49AM
    Hi Kenneth!

    There is at least two possobilities to achive your goal.

    - rewrite the source of the barcode component in FR on your needs OR
    - if you don't want to dig into the source, you can use any 3rd party component that supports your requirements and the generated barcode (as graphic) can be assigned to the image component on the report

    So there is many freeware barcode library on the net. Almost the best is found in TurboPower's SysTools library that is freeware and can be downloaded from the following URL:


  • swmswm
    edited 4:49AM
    The components puts Start, Stop codes and FNC1 at the end of C code. There isn't any way to specify AI inside code, practically it's unusefull for all codes with more than two variable AI

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