Columns header height problem (in FastReport frcCrossView)
I have problem with printing in FastReports via frcCube.
I have following cube
| FIELD1 | FIELD2 | Measure 1 | Measure 2 |
| Value 1| Value2 |..................|.................|
| Value 3|.............|..................|.................|
AutoSizeStyle := ssBySlice;
Problem is with height of columns headers FIELD1, and FIELD2. If title has 2 or more lines it is not automaticaly resized. It works normal in Measure 1 and Mesure 1 headers.
It would be nice if they could work like measure headers
I have following cube
| FIELD1 | FIELD2 | Measure 1 | Measure 2 |
| Value 1| Value2 |..................|.................|
| Value 3|.............|..................|.................|
AutoSizeStyle := ssBySlice;
Problem is with height of columns headers FIELD1, and FIELD2. If title has 2 or more lines it is not automaticaly resized. It works normal in Measure 1 and Mesure 1 headers.
It would be nice if they could work like measure headers
The answer is in Your ticket in support.