Passing parms from Delphi to frxIbQuery

Ivan Vere??Ivan Vere?? Croatia
edited March 2010 in FastReport 4.0
Hello to all!

I am new in FR4.

In my Delphi app I call report that have own datasets (frIbxQuery-es) with params in sql.
Params are SmallInt type. Before opening report I want to tell frIbxQuery these params from delphi code.

Param is declared in frIbxQuery params, and not at any other place.

I tried to use code from Delphi (after loading from file, previous preparing and showing):
Variables['myparam'] := 5;
(5 is some smallint value) but FR doesn't set param at this way.

Then I used this approach (my own Idea from delphi programming experience)
(FindComponent('frqPOD') as TfrxIBXQuery).ParamByName('myparam').Expression := IntToStr(5);

and it's worked!

While I must use params sent as string (and expression than value) ?
While using "variables" doesn't work?

And finally, what is correct, fastest and most used way to passing params from delphy to frxIBquery params ?

Thanks to suggestions.


  • edited 10:58PM
    While using "variables" doesn't work?
    Because, Params is a field of TfrxIBXQuery.
    While I must use params sent as string (and expression than value) ?
    You can use following code to set params as Variant:
    (FindComponent('frqPOD') as TfrxIBXQuery).ParamByName('myparam').Value := 5;
  • Ivan Vere??Ivan Vere?? Croatia
    edited 10:58PM
    Now, after five days of using and programming all is clear, and I use all variations of params and variables inside, and outside report without any problems.


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