Export PDF BUG!
I try 4.9.27 frDemo.exe!
1.Design 100.Fr3
2. paste "#FR3 clipboard#
<TfrxMemoView Name="Memo9" Left="2.65412691824451E-15" Top="0" Width="94.48825" Height="18.89765" ShowHint="False" Font.Charset="1" Font.Color="-16777208" Font.Height="-13" Font.Name="標楷體" Font.Style="0" ParentFont="False" Text="?隤啣???/>
3.Export as 100.PDF File
4.Open 100.PDF by adobe reader. Get a message" can't find font XXXXX"! I can't read it!
5.open 100.PDF by NOTEPED++ . I found problem!
/Type /FontDescriptor
/FontName /標楷#D4
/FontFamily /標楷#D4
/BaseFont /標楷#D4
6.When I Change TO
/FontName /標楷體
/FontFamily /標楷體
/BaseFont /標楷體
I can read 100.PDF at adobe reader!
1.Design 100.Fr3
2. paste "#FR3 clipboard#
<TfrxMemoView Name="Memo9" Left="2.65412691824451E-15" Top="0" Width="94.48825" Height="18.89765" ShowHint="False" Font.Charset="1" Font.Color="-16777208" Font.Height="-13" Font.Name="標楷體" Font.Style="0" ParentFont="False" Text="?隤啣???/>
3.Export as 100.PDF File
4.Open 100.PDF by adobe reader. Get a message" can't find font XXXXX"! I can't read it!
5.open 100.PDF by NOTEPED++ . I found problem!
/Type /FontDescriptor
/FontName /標楷#D4
/FontFamily /標楷#D4
/BaseFont /標楷#D4
6.When I Change TO
/FontName /標楷體
/FontFamily /標楷體
/BaseFont /標楷體
I can read 100.PDF at adobe reader!