Horizontal aligment is different in web and forms
In a herader report, I have 2 text objects:
<TextObject Name="Title" Left="94.49" Width="519.67" Height="30.24" Text="[ReportTitle]" Padding="0, 1, 2, 1" Font="Arial, 17pt, style=Bold"/>
<TextObject Name="Filter" Left="94.49" Top="32.12" Width="510.24" Height="20.79" Text="[Filter]" Padding="2, 1, 2, 1" Font="Arial, 8pt"/>
I am trying to align them the left, it works fine in the WinForm viewer, and also in the pdf exportation, but when I use the Web viewer, the first object is not left aligned. It seems aligned by the center, but also it is not exactly the center. How can I solve it?
It's due to different rendering in winforms (GDI+ DrawString method) and HTML. DrawString method adds a little space before the text, depending on font size used.
Using web render, the first one appears in the middle of the screen, the second one appears in the expected place. There is a difference of more than 5 cm.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.