Sry, but I have not found a better place to report bugs. Is this forum really the best place? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
Back to topic: There is a bug in the function "DrawBitmap" in the unit "frxUtils.pas" (version 4.9). The created dc (with "CreateCompatibleDC") will never be freed by call "DeleteDC".
Original code:[/img]
(Is it possible that this kind of bugs are also in other functions?
procedure DrawBitmap(aHandle: HDC; Dest: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
  hMemDC: HDC;
  PrevStretchBltMode: Integer;
  hMemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(aHandle);
  SelectObject(hMemDC, Bitmap.Handle);
  PrevStretchBltMode := SetStretchBltMode(aHandle, STRETCH_HALFTONE);
  with Dest do
    StretchBlt(aHandle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, hMemDC,
          0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, SRCCOPY);
  SetStretchBltMode(aHandle, PrevStretchBltMode);
Fixed code:
procedure DrawBitmap(aHandle: HDC; Dest: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
  hMemDC: HDC;
  PrevStretchBltMode: Integer;
  hMemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(aHandle);
    SelectObject(hMemDC, Bitmap.Handle);
    PrevStretchBltMode := SetStretchBltMode(aHandle, STRETCH_HALFTONE);
    with Dest do
      StretchBlt(aHandle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, hMemDC,
            0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, SRCCOPY);
    SetStretchBltMode(aHandle, PrevStretchBltMode);
When many pictures will be (re)painted, the application crashed with out-of-resources exceptions.(Is it possible that this kind of bugs are also in other functions?
It seems to me that you have the Professional license, so if I were you, I would open a support ticket, instead of relying on this forum to have it fixed. Just go to the FastReports Customer area -> support, and you should find a link there to request support.
Thanks for the info anyway.