FIX: FastReport 2.52 OQB install

SamuraySamuray Administrator
edited 10:00PM in FastReport 2.xx VCL
Download this file:

Unzip zip file in FastReport root directory. Zip file is contain corrected dpk files (OQB precompiler added) and installation manual for OQB.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:00PM
    Thanks Samuray
    It would be nice if it worked.
    It does allow you to compile but now the oqb button in the sql editor is gone.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:00PM
    Hi again Samuray
    Just something else you guys should note.
    when fr3 is present fr2.52 wants to put its tools in fr3 tool tab and the dotmatrix export in the fr3 exports tab.
  • edited 10:00PM
    fr_dbsqledit.pas should be:
    procedure TfrDBSQLEditorForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      Ini: TRegIniFile;
      Nm: String;
      Ini := TRegIniFile.Create(RegRootKey);
      M1 := TfrSyntaxMemo.Create(Self);
      M1.Parent := MemoPanel;
      M1.SyntaxType := stSQL;
      {$I *.inc}
      M1.Align := alClient;
      M1.HelpContext := 20;
      M1.OnKeyDown := M1KeyDown;
      Nm := rsForm + frDesigner.ClassName;
      M1.Font.Name := Ini.ReadString(Nm, 'ScriptFontName', 'Courier New');
      M1.Font.Size := Ini.ReadInteger(Nm, 'ScriptFontSize', 10);
      SQLBtn.Visible := False;
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:00PM
    Thanks Alexander
    Now it works. just tried with bde under xp
    will try under w98 later tonite.
    Then other dbengines.
    A small suggestion, on a registered users dl page could you add a date field for the available files then one could see if a newer version is available.
    All the best ;)
  • SamuraySamuray Administrator
    edited 10:00PM
    All fixed files of the FastReport 2.52 is available for download.

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