Fast Report 4.6 Stack overflow
Hey I have some problems with Fast Report 4.6,
I've implemented FR im one of my appliacations and it seems to work fine, until i try to use Obejct Inspector. When OI is visible (F11 of from toolbar) appliacation stops and throws an error " Stack Overflow". Same problem appears when I try to define variable in connector.
To make whole situation more strange on one computer it work perfectly, on every other throws out error messages and stops.
I've implemented FR im one of my appliacations and it seems to work fine, until i try to use Obejct Inspector. When OI is visible (F11 of from toolbar) appliacation stops and throws an error " Stack Overflow". Same problem appears when I try to define variable in connector.
To make whole situation more strange on one computer it work perfectly, on every other throws out error messages and stops.