.fr3 to .frx conversion?

We have a large number of .frx reports from the Delphi VCL component. Is there a way to convert these to the format used for your .Net reports (.frx)? It would take quite a bit of time to have to redo each report.


  • pinbotpinbot Texas
    edited 3:34PM

    I'm not Alex but I can answer this one.

    Did you mean (from) .fr3? instead of .frx?

    There is an excellent converter (fr3tofrx.exe) that will convert the file to the newer .frx format.

    It does not do eveything. You will need to redo all your scripting (.net now instead of vb or c++). Also, the way that data is handled is quite different. You need to create data sources differently, but as long as you name them the same as your old datasources, you don't need to change any of your text objects.

    I had a report that had several hundred text objects and it converted quite easily. I really did not want to redo it from scratch! There was little scripting on it and a lot of what was there can now be handled with properties of the textobject (and highlighting), things like that.

    There are a couple of posts that describe other differences and I think the link is in one of them.

  • edited 3:34PM

    The converter can be downloaded here:
  • This file is not available anymore.

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