DataRelation's doesn't work
When i register a dataset with DataRelation objects in it to the fastreport envoriment with "registerdata" function, my Relation objects won't prepare the tables i register with Relations i need, gow actually fastreport reflects to the Relation objects in Dataset. Does it create Relation objects like the tables , or it do it magic with it self and just prepare the DataTableSource object by it self.
Thanks in advance
When i register a dataset with DataRelation objects in it to the fastreport envoriment with "registerdata" function, my Relation objects won't prepare the tables i register with Relations i need, gow actually fastreport reflects to the Relation objects in Dataset. Does it create Relation objects like the tables , or it do it magic with it self and just prepare the DataTableSource object by it self.
Thanks in advance
When you register the DataSet with relations, FR automatically registers all the tables and the relations. This is used in the main demo.