Label Wizard , Columns

StarkStark Syria
edited December 2009 in FastReport .NET
Hi . have a good day ,,,

I have two Question , I hope you can help me ....
1) I start a New Label Wizard ... Create My Own Custom Label , and Set The Columns Gap = value .
How I can Modfiy the ColumnGap After Creating The Label ?

2) In Label Wizard When I set the Page Columns Count = value, then the Labels printed DownThenAcross,
How I can make it print AcrossThenDown ?
If I set The Columns Count For the DataBand Rather Than Page Columns Count ,
to Have the AcrossThenDown Properties , Then How I will set the Columns Gap Properties ?

I Appreciated your replay so much ....
Thank you in advance ,


  • edited 1:21PM

    1) Once you create the custom label, you cannot change its properties. You may delete the label and create another one.

    2) The only way to print labels across then down is to use databand's columns rather than page columns. To set the gap, set band.Columns.Width property (make the width larger than the actual content of the band, so it will look like a gap).
  • StarkStark Syria
    edited 1:21PM
    Thank you for your fast , helpful replay ...

    Kind regards

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