Direct print from form

While I was using Delphi6 and QuickReport, I could use direct print TLabel and TEdit from form to print page. (e.g. On form Button: print1.label1.caption := form1.label1.caption)
Now, I am using Delphi 2007 and I have problem - I can not direct printing TLabel and/or TEdit from Delphi form to FastReport.

Could I use this with FastReport, and how ?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:25AM
    yes you can but you can only acess object properties
    //code to load report

    frxreport1.script.AddForm(self); // add the current delphi form

    report code
    mpath := form1.label1.caption;

    Or you can use a variable in the report see the programmers manual on working with variables, string values passed into categorized variables must have extra leanding and trailing delimiters.

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