Report Data and SqlDataSource

edited December 2009 in FastReport .NET

I m designing report in FR designer and i m adding a data source to report. then i use a view from report data.
Than i save report file for use in my web application.
In web page, i use a sqldatasource that uses a stored procedure with parameters.. this stored procedure uses view above that i used in report data..
And stored procedure expects 4 parameters to filter views data..
And i m running report page and the report gets all data, because there is no filter..
As yet, everything is ok.
but when i select some filter option from my custom filter and load report with these filter options, report does not get right data..
All data in the report like no filter..
And i open the Sql Profiler to see what is working back side and i see the problem;
Firstly sqldatasource's stored procedure works 2 times
Secondly reports data view works and report show all data..

Question: Why report does not use sqldatasource's storedprocedure instead of report's data view? where is the mistake?

Some Code:

<cc1:WebReport ID="WebReport1" runat="server" ReportDataSources="SqlDataSource1" OnStartReport="WebReport1_StartReport"
ReportFile="~/Reports/Stock/StockTransactions.frx" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="" SelectCommand="spStockTransactions"
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="ItemId" QueryStringField="item" Type="Int32" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Type" QueryStringField="trans" Type="string" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Date1" QueryStringField="date1" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Date2" QueryStringField="date2" Type="DateTime" />

code behind;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = Erciyes.Data.SqlHelper.ConnectionStringReportTransaction;
protected void WebReport1_StartReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
WebReport1.Report.Dictionary.Connections[0].ConnectionString = Erciyes.Data.SqlHelper.ConnectionStringReportTransaction;
WebReport1.Report.RegisterData(((DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)).Table, SqlDataSource1.ID);

thanks in advance..


  • edited 8:04PM
    hi again,

    i find a solution but i think it is not best..

    i open the report designer and delete my added data source..
    than i changed field name to vwStockHistories.ItemId to SqlDataSource1.ItemId
    Set Data name to SqlDataSource1 (if not there is 1 row in report)
    Save and close..

    Than i run report, it works..
  • edited 8:04PM

    I'd like to look at the report file (.frx). Could you send it to my email (
  • edited 8:04PM
    Hi Alex,

    i sent you the report file..

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