conditional formatting a cross report

My cross report shows a student to each row and the potental and estimated grade for each subject as the columns.

I want to colour a cell red if it is less than (alphabetically) than the one to the right of it. (i have thre students and six columns of dayta on my dummy table)

I am expreimenting with the folowing

procedure DBCross1OnPrintCell(Memo: TfrxMemoView; RowIndex, ColumnIndex, CellIndex: Integer; RowValues, ColumnValues, Value: Variant);

//showmessage ('this cell = ' + vartostr(value));
// showmessage ('next cell = ' + vartostr(columnvalues[rowindex]));
if ((columnindex mod 2) = 1) then
if varToStr(value) > varToStr(ColumnValues[Columnindex+1]) then
memo.color :=clred;

but don't seem to be able to refer to any other columnvalue index than 0.

How do I refer to other cells in the same row as the current cell?


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