Close Report if no data is returned
South Africa
I'm using an internal IBXQuery. When the reports starts a Dialog is displayed with two date combo boxes. The start and end date is selected from the drop downs. The report then returns the records between the two selected dates. If there are no records the message is displayed. But the report still shows after setting the page.visible := false,
How can I close the report when there is no data returned in the query ?
I'm using an internal IBXQuery. When the reports starts a Dialog is displayed with two date combo boxes. The start and end date is selected from the drop downs. The report then returns the records between the two selected dates. If there are no records the message is displayed. But the report still shows after setting the page.visible := false,
How can I close the report when there is no data returned in the query ?
procedure Button1OnClick(Sender: TfrxComponent);
  IBXQuery1.Close;                                 Â
  IBXQuery1.ParamByName('StartDT').Value := datetostr(StartDate.Date);
  IBXQuery1.ParamByName('EndDT').Value := datetostr(EndDate.Date);
procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    if IBXQuery1.RecordCount = 0 then
    ShowMessage('Nothing to Print');
    Page1.Visible := False;                                                                   Â
  end; Â
It works like a charm !