VCL FR3 --> .NET FR4

Hi folks,

I have a project that was built in Delphi 7 using (vcl) fr3 for reporting. For various reasons we've had to switch to ms visual studio 2008 for the next release, and I would like to know if I can reuse the old reports. I know that v3-->v4 is no problem, but what happens if I'm also switching platform? There is some code in a few of the reports, so that will have to be ported to c#, no big deal. How about the forms themselves and the data sources?



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:41AM
    AFAIK no you cannot but you might try asking in the .net forum
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:41AM
    yes you can
    To convert old .fr3 files to a new .frx format, do this:
    - download the latest version of FastReport 4 (you can even use the trial
    - add the "frxSaveFRX" unit into your uses list
    - run report designer, go "File|Save as...", choose the file type -
    "FastReport.Net file".

    see Alexanders reply to vcl to .net in the .net news group for more info.

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