Chart Creation in Design Mode
I am trying to add more Lines to the chart as I need. I saw the example that is for Charts and in my opinion is little lame as it has like 20 queries.
I am trying to do it with one query which I will change before print and add as many lines(Series) as I need.
Can you please tell me how do this in design mode or show me where to look an example. Thanks in Advance
I am trying to add more Lines to the chart as I need. I saw the example that is for Charts and in my opinion is little lame as it has like 20 queries.
I am trying to do it with one query which I will change before print and add as many lines(Series) as I need.
Can you please tell me how do this in design mode or show me where to look an example. Thanks in Advance
here is a sample from delphi
uses frxChart;
Chart: TfrxChartView;
Chart := frxReport1.FindObject('Chart1') as TfrxChartView;
with Chart.SeriesData[Chart.SeriesData.Count - 1] do
DataType := dtFixedData;
XSource := 'Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr';
YSource := '31;28;31;30';