print stringgrid title
in my program I used stringgrid and fixed row in the stringgrid is title then I want this row to be title and write to per page but I can not change column title in stringgrid and it is constant and type numeric 1,2,3,4,.. I want change but I don't know do ! please hint me
thank you
thank you
I wrote in my program this code for printing stringgrid but I don't know where change title to column title stringgrid then stringgrid title in output in per page is 1,2,3,4,...
procedure TForm21.frxReport1BeforePrint(Sender: TfrxReportComponent);
Cross: TfrxCrossView;
finish :integer;
if Sender is TfrxCrossView then
finish := Stringgrid2.ColCount ;
Cross := TfrxCrossView(Sender);
for i := 1 to finish do
for j := 1 to Stringgrid2.RowCount - 1 do
Cross.AddValue([j], [finish + 1 - i], [StringGrid2.Cells[i - 1, j ]]);
I used stringgrid and don't link stringgrid to database and I fill stringgrid in Running time It is not DBGrid , I don't know link ' printstringgrid demo ' or ' demos folder ' if possible write for me links
best Regard
c:\ Program Files\Fastreports\FastReport 4\demos