Help to do these report

Hello everybody,

I have the report, of the schema:

...Child (of GroupFooter)

Group is marked to start a new page every group.

My problem is:

1- PageFooter, can only print if the "group" has more than 1 page.. more especific... PageFooter can't print in last page os Group.
2- The GroupFooter, in last page, it's necessary to complete all blank space in page... like this:
GroupFooter.Height := Page.Height - MasterData.Height - Child.Height; (not work this code, for example only)

How I do these?

Best Regards.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:26AM
    don't try to modify design height of a band.
    use a duplicate empty objects in anunattached child band and control it's appearance using the engine opject and the show band method.
    while engine .freespace > somevalue do
  • Please, sorry, my english is very poor...

    I don't understand.. can you make a sample for these and send to me?


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