Align of text with different font size
Czech Republic
Hello Alex,
why distance of left side of title and body text from left paper margin on image in attachement are't same? I set padding property to (0, 0, 0, 0), but problem persisting. How can I align text?
I set too large font size for clearness.
In MS Word is distance notably smaller - it's not font problem.
why distance of left side of title and body text from left paper margin on image in attachement are't same? I set padding property to (0, 0, 0, 0), but problem persisting. How can I align text?
I set too large font size for clearness.
In MS Word is distance notably smaller - it's not font problem.
Welcome to GDI+ world. It's standard behavior of the Graphics.DrawString method.
You may set Padding.Left to negative value to compensate the offset.
thank you for reply. Big effect has StringFormat used in Graphics.DrawString. Default value is StringFormat.GenericDefault. If I use StringFormat.GenericTypographic, I get good output - very similar or same with other applications (for example MS Word). Can I force FR to using StringFormat.GenericTypographic?