Default Property for Export Filters

I think there should be a default export filter property.
If have 2 Export filters of type TfrxPDFExport in my Form, one for the FR-Preview to get the PdfBt visible, and one for internal reasons. (export withouter user interaction)
In frxPreview.pas the PdfBt of the Preview form is connected to the last PDF-Export Component. If i have wrong create Order there will be the wrong Export Filter class with wrong proerty's.
If have 2 Export filters of type TfrxPDFExport in my Form, one for the FR-Preview to get the PdfBt visible, and one for internal reasons. (export withouter user interaction)
In frxPreview.pas the PdfBt of the Preview form is connected to the last PDF-Export Component. If i have wrong create Order there will be the wrong Export Filter class with wrong proerty's.
  for i := 0 to frxExportFilters.Count - 1 do
    if TfrxCustomExportFilter(frxExportFilters[i].Filter).ClassName = 'TfrxPDFExport' then
      FPDFExport := TfrxCustomExportFilter(frxExportFilters[i].Filter);
just set its properties(export withouter user interaction) before using it.