font.color change by Value


I??m tryng to put to work the code below but nothing what is the problem?


procedure MasterData4OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
if <Termografia_sub."GrauAnomalia">='1' then Termografia_subGrauAnomalia1.font.color:=clNavy

else if<Termografia_sub."GrauAnomalia">='2' then Termografia_subGrauAnomalia.font.color:=clMaroon

else if <Termografia_sub."GrauAnomalia">='3' then Termografia_subGrauAnomalia.font.color:=clRed

//else Termografia_subGrauAnomalia.font.color:=clNone



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:44AM
    either your expression does not evaluate to true( numeric instead of string) or you are referencing the wrong memoview.
    BTW please don't double post
  • Anu de DeusAnu de Deus Hampshire, UK
    edited 11:44AM
    Try debugging it by putting either

    <!--fonto:Courier New--><span style='font-family: "Courier New"'><!--/fonto-->Termografia_subGrauAnomalia1.text := <Termografia_sub."GrauAnomalia">;<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->


    <!--fonto:Courier New--><span style='font-family: "Courier New"'><!--/fonto-->showmessage(<Termografia_sub."GrauAnomalia">);<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

    to see what's the value

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