Dynamic SQL Statement
Hi @all
In my Application i create SQL Statements dynamic.
With the help from AlexTZ i had createt the following Code to build the SQL Statement and transfer it to FastReport.NET:
Dim KritAnz, Krit, SQL, GblKrit, AblageTyp As String
On Error GoTo btnSpecialFilter
KritAnz = 5
Krit = ""
If ComboBox1.Text = "Gem?¤lde" Then AblageTyp = 1
If ComboBox1.Text = "Skulpturen" Then AblageTyp = 2
If ComboBox1.Text = "Stiche" Then AblageTyp = 3
If ComboBox1.Text = "Fotos" Then AblageTyp = 4
If ComboBox1.Text = "Dias" Then AblageTyp = 5
If ComboBox1.Text = "Zeichnungen" Then AblageTyp = 6
If Not ComboBox1.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_ablagetyp = " & AblageTyp
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_registratur LIKE '" & "*" & txtRegistratur.Text & "*'"
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_stichworte LIKE '" & "*" & txtStichwort.Text & "*'"
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_ersteller LIKE '" & "*" & txtErsteller.Text & "*'"
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_jahr LIKE '" & "*" & txtJahr.Text & "*'"
End If
SQL = "SELECT * FROM db_hamapict "
If Krit <> "" Then
Krit = Mid(Krit, 5)
SQL = SQL & "WHERE " & Krit
If KritAnz Then
GblKrit = Krit
GblKrit = ""
End If
End If
If InDebug = True Then
End If
repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.Load(variAppReports + "repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.frx")
repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.SetParameterValue("myConnString", variConnectionString)
Dim table As FastReport.Data.TableDataSource = DirectCast(repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.GetDataSource("db_hamapict"), FastReport.Data.TableDataSource)
table.SelectCommand = SQL
Exit Sub
MessageBox.Show("Der gew??nschte Report konnte nicht geladen werden. Bitte pr??fen Sie: " & variAppReports, "HamaPict.NET --> Reporting Problem", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
The Problem is know, that FastReport only execute the simple Statement like select * from db_hamapict
This should be executed:
select * from db_hamapict where fld_ablagetyp = 4 and fld_stichworte like 'elbe'
and should return 5 Records.
Fast Report returns 0 Records.
I'dont know why. When I test the SQL Statement direct in Access, all would be ok.
Ideas ?
Thank you.
In my Application i create SQL Statements dynamic.
With the help from AlexTZ i had createt the following Code to build the SQL Statement and transfer it to FastReport.NET:
Dim KritAnz, Krit, SQL, GblKrit, AblageTyp As String
On Error GoTo btnSpecialFilter
KritAnz = 5
Krit = ""
If ComboBox1.Text = "Gem?¤lde" Then AblageTyp = 1
If ComboBox1.Text = "Skulpturen" Then AblageTyp = 2
If ComboBox1.Text = "Stiche" Then AblageTyp = 3
If ComboBox1.Text = "Fotos" Then AblageTyp = 4
If ComboBox1.Text = "Dias" Then AblageTyp = 5
If ComboBox1.Text = "Zeichnungen" Then AblageTyp = 6
If Not ComboBox1.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_ablagetyp = " & AblageTyp
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_registratur LIKE '" & "*" & txtRegistratur.Text & "*'"
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_stichworte LIKE '" & "*" & txtStichwort.Text & "*'"
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_ersteller LIKE '" & "*" & txtErsteller.Text & "*'"
End If
If Not txtRegistratur.Text = vbNullString Then
Krit = Krit & " AND fld_jahr LIKE '" & "*" & txtJahr.Text & "*'"
End If
SQL = "SELECT * FROM db_hamapict "
If Krit <> "" Then
Krit = Mid(Krit, 5)
SQL = SQL & "WHERE " & Krit
If KritAnz Then
GblKrit = Krit
GblKrit = ""
End If
End If
If InDebug = True Then
End If
repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.Load(variAppReports + "repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.frx")
repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.SetParameterValue("myConnString", variConnectionString)
Dim table As FastReport.Data.TableDataSource = DirectCast(repPrintCatalogSpecialFilter.GetDataSource("db_hamapict"), FastReport.Data.TableDataSource)
table.SelectCommand = SQL
Exit Sub
MessageBox.Show("Der gew??nschte Report konnte nicht geladen werden. Bitte pr??fen Sie: " & variAppReports, "HamaPict.NET --> Reporting Problem", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
The Problem is know, that FastReport only execute the simple Statement like select * from db_hamapict
This should be executed:
select * from db_hamapict where fld_ablagetyp = 4 and fld_stichworte like 'elbe'
and should return 5 Records.
Fast Report returns 0 Records.
I'dont know why. When I test the SQL Statement direct in Access, all would be ok.
Ideas ?
Thank you.
What if you set the SQL directly in the report designer? Will this work?
Sorry, no, that doesn't work.
The same Problem, return Records 0.
Strange !?
When I test the SQL Statement directly in Access with % the Result is 0 Records.
When I test this SQL Statement direct in Access:
select * from db_hamapict where fld_ablagetyp = 4 and fld_stichworte like '*Elbe*'
two Records are returned.
I'm really confused now
I've tried to Hardcode the Statements in my Application:
select * from db_hamapict was correct executed
select * from db_hamapict where fld_ablagetyp = 4 was correct exectuted
select * from db_hamapict where fld_ablagetyp = 4 and fld_stichworte like '*Elbe*' could not be exectued, 0 Records
select * from db_hamapict where fld_ablagetyp = 4 and fld_stichworte like 'Elbe%' could not be exectued, 0 Records
I'm sorry, you've got right.
it's not select * from ....., it must be select distinct * from ..........
Thank you so much.