SubReport, DataSources

Hi , have a good day ...
I have two Question ... for
1) I have a Report with Subreport , but sometimes I need to hide/Delete SubReport from the Report by code
( I want to hide it from preview window and printing )
2) I have fastreport Desinger with this code
All this restricted seems to be woking . except the (DontEditData)
my user can still View/change My DataSource Query , and create a new Connection ...
I want to Allow Them Only
* Drag Objects(Columns) from Data->DataSource to report bands , and delete this objects from the report band
I can do the other saving and new report and delete pages restrections .....
any help will be appreciated , and thank you very much ....
I have two Question ... for
1) I have a Report with Subreport , but sometimes I need to hide/Delete SubReport from the Report by code
( I want to hide it from preview window and printing )
2) I have fastreport Desinger with this code
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontShowRecentFiles = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontChangeReportOptions = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontCreatePage = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontCreateReport = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontDeletePage = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontEditData = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontInsertBand = true;
environmentSettings1.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontLoadReport = true;
All this restricted seems to be woking . except the (DontEditData)
my user can still View/change My DataSource Query , and create a new Connection ...
I want to Allow Them Only
* Drag Objects(Columns) from Data->DataSource to report bands , and delete this objects from the report band
I can do the other saving and new report and delete pages restrections .....
any help will be appreciated , and thank you very much ....
1) set subreport's Visible property to false. You can do this in the BeforePrint event handler of the main band which contains a subreport.
2) I've tried to do
Config.DesignerSettings.Restrictions.DontEditData = true
This hides the "Data" menu, disables the "Actions" menu of the Data window, and disables some context menu items. User cannot add a new connection or edit an existing connection anymore.
and I am very sorry for asking you again ....
1) Please see this project about data restrections it's very short , Only two lines of code ,
but it still not working
I am using fastreport 1.1.1
thank you in advance
and the sub report prb has been solved .