Non typed datasets Help

Hey guys, this is a getting started question, Ive searched and searched and couldn't figure out what I'm supposed to do to get started.

I want to create a report for data pulled from a database without using a typed dataset.

whats the best way to accomplish this? any code examples? I have looked at the programmers Manuel and user Manuel.

also, is there any way to attach the data to the report and use the report designer without using the report's data menu?
I want to control the data in my program, not in the report system.

Thankyou very much for any help!



  • edited July 2009
    ok I figured out by loading the report in code, registering a dataset, and doing a, I can open up the report.. but I cant see the datasource that I registered. I verified the dataset is there and contains data, I just dont see it in the report designer.

    here is my code.
    Dim myreport As FastReport.Report = New FastReport.Report
            myreport.RegisterData(GetReportDS, "myTable")
    Private Function GetReportDS() As DataSet
            Dim strSQL As String
            strSQL = "SELECT tblMillCombine_Hold.LotNo, tblMillCombine_Hold.PartNo, tblMillCombine_Hold.Qty, tblParts.PartDescrip, tblDepartments.DepartmentID, tblDepartments.DepartmentName" & _
                          " FROM ((((tblParts INNER JOIN tblDepartmentRoutes ON tblParts.RouteID = tblDepartmentRoutes.RouteID) INNER JOIN" & _
                          " tblDepartmentRouteDetails ON tblDepartmentRoutes.RouteID = tblDepartmentRouteDetails.RouteID) INNER JOIN" & _
                          " tblDepartments ON tblDepartmentRouteDetails.DepartmentID = tblDepartments.DepartmentID) INNER JOIN" & _
                          " tblMillCombine_Hold ON tblParts.PartNo = tblMillCombine_Hold.PartNo)" & _
                          " WHERE (tblDepartments.DepartmentID = 2) AND (tblMillCombine_Hold.LotNo IN ('9426', '9423', '9422'))"
            Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, AppSettings.Get("DBConnectString"))
            Dim ds As New DataSet
            da.Fill(ds, "myTable")
            Return ds
        End Function
  • edited 6:24PM
    ok I figured out what was going on... turns out the data was there, just not showing up because I had to try to "Select" the table for it to show up in the data menu. even though it was already "registered" it werks now.

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