Repeating the MasterData for n-times
I tried to find a similar question like this in the database but had no luck.
I want to repeat the MasterData for n-times, where n is the number I'll set up before printing the MasterData.
The thing is that I would like the same data to be printed until the print number is equal to n, and the next data to come after this and that to be printed n-times also.
Thanks in Advance.
I tried to find a similar question like this in the database but had no luck.
I want to repeat the MasterData for n-times, where n is the number I'll set up before printing the MasterData.
The thing is that I would like the same data to be printed until the print number is equal to n, and the next data to come after this and that to be printed n-times also.
Thanks in Advance.
Then put some control inside the onbeforeprint event of it to get the next data to be displayed.
ds: TfrxDataSet;
ds := Report.GetDataset('frxDBDataSet1'); use the username of the dataset
you can now set the ds to first, last, next, prior. you can test eof and obtain record count.
I need the same, can you kindly post more details about this technique?
In which event do you put this line:
ds := Report.GetDataset('frxDBDataSet1');
Please be patient I am a beginner...
Thank You - Lorenzo -
place it in the empty begin end. block on the code page this is the first code to be processed