Memo text is cleared when prepareReport is called
I've added text to a report in the following manner in the onclickobject event handler for the TfrxReport object:
I see the changes on the preview and all is well. I'm just wondering why the text and color of the memoviews disappear when I add another page via incrementing the row count property of the master data band they are located on and then call prepareReport() afterwards.
Why is my data cleared and how can I work around this?
WideString objNameStr = "MemoText2";
memoView = dynamic_cast<TfrxMemoView*>(reportStandardReport->Engine->PreviewPages->Page[0]->FindObject(objNameStr));
memoView->Text = "memo2";
memoView->Color = TColor(clYellow);
I see the changes on the preview and all is well. I'm just wondering why the text and color of the memoviews disappear when I add another page via incrementing the row count property of the master data band they are located on and then call prepareReport() afterwards.
Why is my data cleared and how can I work around this?