Chart_BeforePrint AddSeries
I have created a double pass report.
Now I want to add series to chart based on the total number of groups in my report.
In the first pass, I counted the groups. Is it now possible, to add that amount of series to the chart in the before_print event?
Oh, and my second question: Is it possible to change the displayed text in the chart legend by fastscript? (I want to pass the series names displayed in the legend by parameter and then set them via script.)
Many thanks for any responses!
I have created a double pass report.
Now I want to add series to chart based on the total number of groups in my report.
In the first pass, I counted the groups. Is it now possible, to add that amount of series to the chart in the before_print event?
Oh, and my second question: Is it possible to change the displayed text in the chart legend by fastscript? (I want to pass the series names displayed in the legend by parameter and then set them via script.)
Many thanks for any responses!
Consider using autoseries, as described in the user's manual:
"Report creation/Reports with charts/Chart editor/Setting up auto-series"
To change the legend title, you need to use the following code:
MSChart1.Chart.Titles[0].Text = "My Title";
You need to add the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll to your report assemblies (in the "Report|Options...|Script" window).