VistaDB Connection

Hi ,Have a good day ...
I want to connect Fast report to VistaDB .... ?
and I have two problems :
1 - I can't see the DataSource Of VistaDB , if I use the Smart tag of report1 in my VS IDE ....
but the Designer.exe .... work fine with it ( it's work as expected )
2 - I can't Understand this line of code :
THINGS you need to know :
- I didn't install Fastreport on my mahcine from the msi file , I added fastreport.dll manually ... to VS toolbox
- I added the Fastreport.VistaDB.dll to my project references ....
- I deleted the fastreport.config , plus restart my VS .NET IDE about a 15 times ....
any help would be very appreciated
Kind regards ....
I want to connect Fast report to VistaDB .... ?
and I have two problems :
1 - I can't see the DataSource Of VistaDB , if I use the Smart tag of report1 in my VS IDE ....
but the Designer.exe .... work fine with it ( it's work as expected )
2 - I can't Understand this line of code :
What do you mean by VistaDBDataConnection is it VistaDB.Provider.VistaDBConnection ?THINGS you need to know :
- I didn't install Fastreport on my mahcine from the msi file , I added fastreport.dll manually ... to VS toolbox
- I added the Fastreport.VistaDB.dll to my project references ....
- I deleted the fastreport.config , plus restart my VS .NET IDE about a 15 times ....
any help would be very appreciated
Kind regards ....
1) if you want to work with VistaDB in VS design-time, you need to add the connector to the designer plugins, as described in the readme.txt:
2) no it's FastReport.Data.VistaDBDataConnection
I added the plug in and restart the VS IDE , and the Report , (at the first time)
but still no luck , I can design my report and VistaDB connection from designer.exe ...
but not from VS IDE ....
But I can deal with this ....
I desing my report at designer.exe and save it . .
Then I added the saved report to my project as resource string manually ...
then I call report1.loadfromstring (....)
I just wanted to tell that .... thats all ....
no need to bother your self , if it's work ok with you ...
I am fine ...
Thank you , so mcuh