Change DataSet of each objects on sheet
I have saved report in file (or database). There are on it barcode (dataset DBDane, datafield ean13 ), text (dataset DBDane, datafield tekst) etc. Everything is from dataset. Dataset is named DBDane.
I want to write multithreaded service. And if one thread makes object of class TfrxDBDataset named DBDane, another can't (I've got exception "A component named DBDane already exists") .
How can I change properties of every elements of my report to change dataset for another name?
my code:
Please help!
I want to write multithreaded service. And if one thread makes object of class TfrxDBDataset named DBDane, another can't (I've got exception "A component named DBDane already exists") .
How can I change properties of every elements of my report to change dataset for another name?
my code:
    mDBDane[miejsce]=new TfrxDBDataset(XSVSQLResp);
    mDBDane[miejsce]->Name="DBDane";// If I change this name report doesn't prepare
    raporty[miejsce]=new TfrxReport(XSVSQLResp);
    raporty[miejsce]->EngineOptions->UseGlobalDataSetList = false;
    ms[miejsce]=new TMemoryStream();
    Dekoder[miejsce]=new TIdDecoderMIME(XSVSQLResp);
Please help!
The secret is to keep the dataset name stored in a variable (string), so you can replace it everywhere, in every component if necessary.
I have a code that loops through several datasets, creating them on then fly, take a look at this:
fDBDataSetName := 'ffrDBDataset' + inttostr(pIdx); <<--- this is what you are missing mainly
ffrDBDataset := TfrxDBDataset.Create(nil);
ffrDBDataset.Name := fDBDataSetName; //'frxDBDataset1'; << see the name being replaced here?
ffrDBDataset.UserName := fDBDataSetName; //'frxDBDataset1'; << see the name being replaced here?
ffrDBDataset.CloseDataSource := False; << probably not necessary for you
ffrDBDataset.BCDToCurrency := False; << probably not necessary for you
ffrDBDataset.DataSet := fADODataSet; << you can change the dataset source too, with or without changing the name, if you want
pParentReport.DataSets.Add(ffrDBDataset); << this was also missing in your code, I think, so the prepare doesn't fail.
I hope this gives you some ideas. After this, you may need to change the individual Dataset properties of all tfrxMemoView components etc in the report, if it's changed.
I know how I can change name of my dataset.
But when I load raport from file I don't know what kind of elements and how named they are loaded.
My question is:
Ist there any solution to write some kind of loop to change DataSet in every element of loaded from file (stream) report?
Something like:
<!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto-->var lC : tfrxComponent;
for i := 0 to fReport.PagesCount - 1 do
for c := 0 to fReport.Pages.Objects.Count - 1 do
lC := tfrxComponent(fReport.Pages.Objects[c]);
if lC is tfrxMemoView then begin
if tfrxMemoView(lC).Dataset <> '' then // maybe <> nil, I didn't try compiling this code, I'm just posting it in the forum.
tfrxMemoView(lC).Dataset := your new dataset.
// maybe you need this too, test it:
tfrxMemoView(lC).text := '';
//repeat situation for bands, or any other db type :
if lC is tfrxMasterData then begin
tfrxMasterData (lC).Dataset := your new dataset.
and so on.
Also, you may need to extend the loop to include all children of the objects you just did
I already did it using TList of objects fastReport->AllObjects.
But thanks anyway!