Subreport header

edited 6:14AM in FastReport .NET
in the user manual in reference to the subreport: "Contrary to other report generators, subreports in FastReport are saved in a separate template page, and not in a separate file."
But if i have more report with identical header, I have to design it in all the reports?



  • edited 6:14AM

    If you want to share the same report header/footer for many reports, try to use report inheritance. It is described in the user's manual, "Report creation/Report inheritance".
  • edited 6:14AM
    How can I integrate the use of the report inheritance with the need to save reports in the database?

  • edited 6:14AM
    You may use the report.LoadBaseReport event to load a base report from any source (for example, from a stream).
  • edited 6:14AM
    Sorry, but i don't find report.LoadBaseReport.
    I use FastReport 1.2.38 with

  • edited 6:14AM
    It's here, I have no idea why you didn't find it.

    /// <summary>
    /// Occurs when report is inherited and trying to load a base report.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Typical use of this event is to load the base report from a database instead of a file.
    /// </remarks>
    public event CustomLoadEventHandler LoadBaseReport;

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