How can I convert fr3 to frx ?
I used .fr3 fast report format in Delphi. Now our company use C#.NET. Fast report .NET file extension is .frx. Now I need to use my old .fr3 file in .NET. How can I convert .fr3 to .frx?
Best Regards...
Best Regards...
To convert old .fr3 files to a new .frx format, do this:
- download the latest version of FastReport 4 (you can even use the trial version)
- add the "frxSaveFRX" unit into your uses list
- run report designer, go "File|Save as...", choose the file type - "FastReport.Net file".
This converter does not perform 100% conversion; you need to change the .frx file. The following items are not converted:
- script (you need to convert pascal code to c# code)
- expressions (you need to convert pascal functions like Copy, Pos, ... to C# functions)
- data fields (add datasources, replace < > with [ ], remove " " around field name)
- totals (you have to replace aggregate functions like Sum, Min, Max with totals - you need to create the total in the "Data" window)
- charts and vertical bands are not converted
- cross-tab is not converted