NewPage and ShowBand at the same time?

On Report I have this bands:

In MaserData I have only one record, in DetailData more then 20 records

I need to set insert pagebreak with DetailHeader on new page when comes DetailData record number 6. I try with OnBeforePrint on DetailData:
if [LINE#] = 6 then begin
But this shows band DetailHeader on previous page and 6th record on new page. Is this OK? I expected DetailHeader on new page.



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:57AM
    Hi Otzi
    add a boolean variable set it's value to false at start of report, in obp of master set it to true, reset it to false in a detail footer.
    test it in obp of pageheader and if true try calling showband there.

    I usually add a child band attached to the pageheader which duplicates the header I want and just control it's visibility as required.
    regards ;)

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