Subreports with mixed page orientation
I have a report with the following:
Page1 (poPortrait)
Page2 ((poPortrait)
----SubReport1 (poPortrait)
----SubReport2 (poLandscape)
Page3 (poPortrait)
Depending on a value in the Master band, I set the visible property of SubReport1 and Subreport2. When SubReport2.visible is true, the data prints....but only in poPortrait. I need it to print poLandscape.
In Code...Page2OnBeforePrint I call:
if SubReport1.Visible then
Page2.Orientation := poPortrait
Page2.Orientation := poLandscape;
This does not fix the issue. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Koyne
Page1 (poPortrait)
Page2 ((poPortrait)
----SubReport1 (poPortrait)
----SubReport2 (poLandscape)
Page3 (poPortrait)
Depending on a value in the Master band, I set the visible property of SubReport1 and Subreport2. When SubReport2.visible is true, the data prints....but only in poPortrait. I need it to print poLandscape.
In Code...Page2OnBeforePrint I call:
if SubReport1.Visible then
Page2.Orientation := poPortrait
Page2.Orientation := poLandscape;
This does not fix the issue. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Koyne
the only way you can have different page orientation is to create multi designpage reports.