How to meet user's total process?

edited April 2009 in FastReport 4.0
our user has one standard work process for making the report. let me summary it:
Engineer A: A userdatabase + A.FR3;such as 2 pages
Engineer B: B userDatabase + A.FR3;such as 2 pages
Engineer C: C userDatabase + B.FR3;such as 3 pages
Manager D: Check and combine diff reports; total pages,and need to number for each page

Engineer A,B,C need to edit page for adding some remarks or pictures on preview mode for each report.
Manager D will do double and final check,if he find any problems or incorrect data, engineer has to re-make report.
if there are no any problems,Manager D will combine three reports to one,and need to re-number for each pages.

By now there are following problems from them:
Problem 1: if Incorrect Data,Engineer need to modify user data and prepare report again,but those remarks and inserted images will be lost by showReport or preparedreport,they have to re-do that(remarks and pictures) again.
does it have one feature for data update for masterdata and keep other contents which user appended or edited such as memo and pictures.

Problem 2: if Engineer edits page on preview mode based on a.fr3, and then save it to a.FR3,and program re-loads this fr3, it only show one record and lost other information.

Problem 3: if need to combine 3 report to 1 total report(2+2+3), the page's number will display 1/7,2/7,1/7,2/7,1/7,2/7,3/7,my way is

How to re-number page for appended reports? such as 1->7/7

Please help me solve above key problem!

Looking forward to your suggestion,Thanks!



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