One record that im on

edited 10:02PM in FastReport 4.0
What im trying to do is get the one customer & information that im on to print to FR.

I have looked at all the examples and none seem to fit what id like to do...
I just want to print the customer and information of the record that im, i can print the whole database but not the only one.

on im writing from delphi 2007 what do i have to do?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:02PM
    that can depend upon many things.
    where are you on a record? (in a dbgrid)
    are you using datasets which are internal to the report
    or frxdbdatasets you can set range props from code
    need more info to help.
  • edited 10:02PM
    gordk wrote: »
    that can depend upon many things.
    where are you on a record? (in a dbgrid)
    are you using datasets which are internal to the report
    or frxdbdatasets you can set range props from code
    need more info to help.
    Im in delphi2007, with a datamodule and i have the frxdatasets in there also.
    say im looking at customer #15 (record 15) and i want just his/hes info to print how do i do it?

    I can get every customer to print but thats not what i want.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:02PM
    assuming you already have a report designed
    set the props of the frxdbdataset before calling the report.
    ie rangebegin := rbcurrent
    rangeend:= rbcurrent
    read the programmers manual as working from delphi
    the users manual as from working inside the report.
    and try the suggested demos in the usersmanual to get an idea of what you are doing.

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