Load Picture from Database

edited 2:37AM in FastReport 4.0
Im trying to load a jpeg image stored in a oleobject field in an access database to a TfrxPictureView component. Ive searched the forums, but no-one seems to have an answer.

In my app, I can load an image component using the LoadfromStream method. First, i have to seek to the correct position in the stream before this works correctly.

So im assuming that using the frxpictureview components, i must load from a stream in the onbeforeprint method, but i cant seem to get it to work. Any help is appreciated.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:37AM
    are you sure it is an oleobject field, and not a blobfield?
  • edited 2:37AM
    gordk wrote: »
    are you sure it is an oleobject field, and not a blobfield?

    Yes im sure. My current code in my app looks like:

    First - function to get the start position in the stream.

    function JpegStartsInBlob (PicField:TBlobField):integer;
    bS : TADOBlobStream;
    buffer : Word;
    hx : string;
    Result := -1;
    bS := TADOBlobStream.Create(PicField, bmRead);
    while (Result = -1) and (bS.Position + 1 < bS.Size) do
    bS.ReadBuffer(buffer, 1);
    hx:=IntToHex(buffer, 2);
    if hx = 'FF' then begin
    bS.ReadBuffer(buffer, 1);
    hx:=IntToHex(buffer, 2);
    if hx = 'D8' then Result := bS.Position - 2
    else if hx = 'FF' then bS.Position := bS.Position-1;
    end; //if
    end; //while
    end; //try

    now the function to read the stream into a picture var.

    bS := TADOBlobStream.Create(ImageDataImage, bmRead);
    bS.Seek(JpegStartsInBlob(ImageDataImage), soFromBeginning);
  • edited 2:37AM
    Ok, so i managed to show the picture - the TfrxPictureView will load the picture directly from an OleObject field in the database. I had a picture placed on the incrrect band - which was why it wasnt showing up.

    So - if anyone else comes across this problem, simply select the OLEObject field and assign it to the TFrxPictureView Datafield.

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