Dialog and page Hide and IBXQuery
I am beginer with FastReport and I have a two quastion.
I created dialog, where I have one question (checkbox) "Do you print page No.2" and listbox with column for "order by"
1) In report i have two page - second page I need print if the user check the checkbox in dialog.
I think, than I set a event on the second page "onManualBuild":
Page_xxx.Visible := Check_box.Checked;
but this not ok. I need, the second page not visible on preview and print!
2) With "Order by" Than I think, at event "onBeforePrint" I set IBXQuery in program code, than I add ORDER BY clausule. But I don't open the query.
In SQL propertis i have "SELECT * FROM table_xy".
Code is:
with IBXQuery do begin
if Active then Close;
SQL.ADD('ORDER BY cokoliv')
'ExecSQL; -> this is write error, "You can use open metod."
No error, but the IBXQuery closed and report is clear.
Thank you for your answer.
I am beginer with FastReport and I have a two quastion.
I created dialog, where I have one question (checkbox) "Do you print page No.2" and listbox with column for "order by"
1) In report i have two page - second page I need print if the user check the checkbox in dialog.
I think, than I set a event on the second page "onManualBuild":
Page_xxx.Visible := Check_box.Checked;
but this not ok. I need, the second page not visible on preview and print!
2) With "Order by" Than I think, at event "onBeforePrint" I set IBXQuery in program code, than I add ORDER BY clausule. But I don't open the query.
In SQL propertis i have "SELECT * FROM table_xy".
Code is:
with IBXQuery do begin
if Active then Close;
SQL.ADD('ORDER BY cokoliv')
'ExecSQL; -> this is write error, "You can use open metod."
No error, but the IBXQuery closed and report is clear.
Thank you for your answer.
page2.visible := NOT checkbox1.checked;
you also want to set your query in this event also.