Print from array-source....runtime creation

edited February 2009 in FastReport 4.0
Hi, i'm using FastReport 4.5.13...first day of work with FR and i need to create raport...dynamically [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> In the begining...sorry form my english.. I have two problems - creating raport is very slow - i can print only one page My delphi code :[/img]
use ..... Printers;

procedure TForm1.GridToFastReport2(Grid : TMyGrid;);
  ReportTitle : TfrxReportTitle;
  i, j, iWidth, iLeft, iTop, iColumns,iColumn, iRows, iRow : integer;
  Column : TMyGridColumn;
  sValue : string;
  iLeft := 10;
  iTop := 10;

  Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(frxReport1);
  Page.Orientation := poLandscape;
  Page.LeftMargin := 6;
  Page.RightMargin := 6;
  Page.TopMargin := 6;
  Page.BottomMargin := 6;

  Band := TfrxReportTitle.Create(Page);
  band.Width := 1200;

  iRows :=Grid.RecordCount;
  iColumns := Grid.ColumnCount;

  for i := 0 to iColumns - 1 do

    iTop := 10;
    Column := Grid.Columns.Column[i];
    if iLeft + Column.Width > 1400 then Continue;

    with TfrxMemoView.Create(Band) do
      iWidth := Column.Width;
      HAlign := haLeft;
      Font.Size := 8;
      Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
      iLeft := iLeft + iWidth;
      Text := Column.Caption;
    iTop := iTop + 16;

    for j := 0 to iRows - 1 do
      sValue := Grid.ActiveView.Cell[j,i];

      with TfrxMemoView.Create(Band) do
        iWidth := Column.Width;
        HAlign := haLeft;
        Font.Size := 8;
        Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
        iTop := iTop + 16;
        Text := sValue;



Thanks for the answer.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:41AM
    no need to set band width when created a band's width is that of the design page.
    you have only created a title band with memoviews, you will see only one page
    in order to produce more records you need to use a masterdataband and set it's rowcount to the number of rows you need or connect to a datasource.
    the loss of speed is probably due to you having to iterate through the grid.
  • edited 3:41AM
    gordk wrote: »
    in order to produce more records you need to use a masterdataband and set it's rowcount to the number of rows you need or connect to a datasource.
    hm... i don't have datasource. Grid is parameter, and only grid is a source... the only way is iterate through the grid indexes.

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