Create some fields in runtime

Hi, I have a report with a Masterdata band and some fields in it. It works fine, however I create some field in runtime (based on the user preferences). I use the following code to create the frxMemoView:
  frmTitle,frmField : TfrxMemoView;
  frbTitle,frbMaster: TfrxBand;
  i : smallint;
  fLeft, fWidth : Double;
  fLeft := 12;
  fWidth := 1.20;
  with NData,frxReporte do
    frbMaster := FindObject('frbMasterData') as TfrxMasterData;
    frbTitle := FindObject('frbColumnHeader') as TfrxColumnHeader;
    for i := cbMes1.ItemIndex to cbMes2.ItemIndex do
      frmTitle := TfrxMemoView.Create(frbTitle);
      frmTitle.Text := cbMes1.Properties.Items[i];
      frmTitle.Font.Name :='Tahoma';
      frmTitle.Font.Size := 8;
      frmTitle.Font.Style := [fsBold];
      frmtitle.HAlign := haCenter;
      with TfrxMemoView.Create(frbMaster) do
        Autowidth := true;
        DataSet := fdsDatos;
        DataField := cbMes1.Properties.Items[i];
        HAlign := haRight;
        Font.Size := 8;
        Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
        Frame.Typ := [ftLeft];
      fLeft := fLeft + fWidth;

But this code don't work, I can't see the objects created in the report.

Thank you in advance for your help


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:37PM
    your problem lies in the declartion of your variables.
    frbTitle,frbMaster: TfrxBand;
    the variable must be of the correct type.
    frbmaster should be of type tfrxmasterdata;
  • edited 10:37PM
    Thanks its work fine.

    Another issue is the position of the Objects. For example in designtime the left property has the value 8.1, but in runtime the same property has another value. Why? How can i set the correct values to positioning the object .(I am using the Setbounds method)

    Thanks in advance.

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