coloring text

HedleyHedley Peru
edited 11:08PM in FastReport 4.0
Please , how i can print diferent color text depending it's value


red if value is "NS"
green if value is "S"
and so on....




  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:08PM
    either add code to obp event of band or object test datafield value and set font color accordingly
    or set the the objects conditional highliting props.
    see the user manual under formatting,highlight.
  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited 11:08PM

  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited 11:08PM
    gordk wrote: »
    either add code to obp event of band or object test datafield value and set font color accordingly
    or set the the objects conditional highliting props.
    see the user manual under formatting,highlight.

    Please, i tried but i obtained a box filled red with the text black instead of red text

    on case the field value is NS,S,B,D or O, the color of text change

    the fields is [alum1m."AS1"]

    i need to obtain something like this


    please.. help
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:08PM
    if you were using conditional highlighting editor you probably specified the color in the wrong section of the dialog
  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited 11:08PM
    gordk wrote: »
    if you were using conditional highlighting editor you probably specified the color in the wrong section of the dialog
    Dear gordk :

    alum1mAS1OnBeforePrint content is


    and its work

    if alum1mAS1.Value ='B' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed dont work

    if [alum1mAS1.Value] ='B' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed dont work

    if (alum1mAS1.Value)='B' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed dont work

    if <alum1m."AS1">='B' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed dont work

    how is the correct sintaxt to compare



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:08PM
    if <alum1m."AS1">='B' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed else alum1mAS1.Font.Color:= clblack;
    this should work when used in the obp event of either the band or memoview.
    you will need an if statement for each possible value of the field alum1m."as1" note
    either use an else portion as above or reset to a certain color in the oap event of the memo.
  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited February 2009
    gordk wrote: »
    if <alum1m."AS1">='B' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed else alum1mAS1.Font.Color:= clblack;
    this should work when used in the obp event of either the band or memoview.
    you will need an if statement for each possible value of the field alum1m."as1" note
    either use an else portion as above or reset to a certain color in the oap event of the memo.

    Dear gordk :

    The Code for


    if (<alum1m."AS1">)='NS' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed else alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clGreen

    but always its prints Green, like this image

    but you can see that exist values "NS", then it must be in Red

    i change the if statement for case

    case <alum1m."AS1"> of
    else alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clYellow

    but now all the text are black...

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:08PM
    you can't use case statements with strings
  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited 11:08PM
    gordk wrote: »
    you can't use case statements with strings

    Dear gordk :

    The Code for


    if (<alum1m."AS1">)='NS' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clRed else alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clGreen

    but always its prints Green, like this image

    but you can see that exist values "NS", then it must be in Red

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:08PM
    if the memo that displays NS is not being switched to red font color
    then your datafield is not returning "NS' since you have centered the text in the memo object
    it is possible that it may be returning something like ' NS' or 'NS ' that has leading or trailing blanks.

    if (<alum1m."AS1">)='NS' this could be written
    if <alum1m."AS1"> ='NS'
  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited 11:08PM
    gordk wrote: »
    if the memo that displays NS is not being switched to red font color
    then your datafield is not returning "NS' since you have centered the text in the memo object
    it is possible that it may be returning something like ' NS' or 'NS ' that has leading or trailing blanks.

    if (<alum1m."AS1">)='NS' this could be written
    if <alum1m."AS1"> ='NS'

    Dear gordk :

    please explain to me something i dont understand

    if <alume."AS1">='D' then alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clBlue else alum1mAS1.Font.Color:=clFuchsia

    the values of de registers are

    The first time i execute preview the report ( in design mode ) all are blue

    after that, the next preview all are fuchsia... why ?

    where are the problem....

    I need D Blue, O Green, S Red and B Fuchsia


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:08PM
    you are changing the design paramaters untill the data meets another statement that changes the color value it will stay on the new color.
    you can reset it to a basic value in an "else" portion or use the oap event of the object.
    you need multiple if statements to set up each possibile value of the datafield.
    you could use a case statement if your test value was numeric.
  • HedleyHedley Peru
    edited 11:08PM
    gordk wrote: »
    you are changing the design paramaters untill the data meets another statement that changes the color value it will stay on the new color.
    you can reset it to a basic value in an "else" portion or use the oap event of the object.
    you need multiple if statements to set up each possibile value of the datafield.
    you could use a case statement if your test value was numeric.
    Dear gordk :

    i found the error ....

    i dont know why, but it do not create the procedure
    procedure alum1mAS1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);

    then all the sentences are in the wrong place...

    i create a new form to test, and i see that the procedure was created...
    wrote the sentences and it works...

    this is the final

    procedure alum1mAS1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    if <alumE."AS1">='B' then alum1mAS1.font.color:=clBlack
    else if <alumE."AS1">='D' then alum1mAS1.font.color:=clMaroon
    else if <alumE."AS1">='NS' then alum1mAS1.font.color:=clRed
    else if <alumE."AS1">='S' then alum1mAS1.font.color:=clGreen
    else if <alumE."AS1">='O' then alum1mAS1.font.color:=clNavy
    else alum1mAS1.font.color:=clNone

    i test the case sentence and it works too... but i finally do with if sentences....

    thanks a lot, and i'm sorry for your time


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