Reaching variables or fr objects from C++ Builder
What is wrong with the code above? What should I do to achieve this (to fill a variable with some values). Should I use object Memo instead? How to reach Memo->Text from C++ Builder?
void __fastcall TFMain::BitBtn3Click(TObject *Sender)
for (int i = 1; i < ComboBox4->Items->Count; i++)
frReport2->Dictionary->Variables->Variable["artikli"].VString =
frReport2->Dictionary->Variables->Variable["artikli"].VString + ", " +
Thx in advance
What is wrong with the code above? What should I do to achieve this (to fill a variable with some values). Should I use object Memo instead? How to reach Memo->Text from C++ Builder?
void __fastcall TFMain::BitBtn3Click(TObject *Sender)
for (int i = 1; i < ComboBox4->Items->Count; i++)
frReport2->Dictionary->Variables->Variable["artikli"].VString =
frReport2->Dictionary->Variables->Variable["artikli"].VString + ", " +
Thx in advance
Maybe You shouldn't add the .VString word to the end of the variable reference. I tried this code (in Delphi) and it seems that the VString is only applicable when the variant is an automation object.