How not to print a page according to a data ?

jezabeljezabel Angers, France
edited 5:38AM in FastReport 4.0
Hi everyone,

I have to print bills for some companies but according to the type of company, the page doesn't need to be printed.
I get the type of company in the masterdataband. It is a 2 pass report yet.

If I try to stop or terminate the report, nothing is printed.
In Delphi, to run the report we put :

if not frxreport.Terminated then

Can anyone help me ?
Thank you in advance


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:38AM
    if this is a multi design page report, use the onbefore print event of the page to set the page's visible property according to the datafield value, where and how you retreive and store the value
    is up to you Without more information cannot be more specific.
  • jezabeljezabel Angers, France
    edited February 2009
    Hi Gordk,

    It is a simple page report. But 'start a new page' is set on the MasterDataBand.
    I've already tried the visible property of the page report, but certainly not at the right place.
    There is no TitleBand. The MasterDataband contains the title and the companies address.

    Here is a piece of my code :
    procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      if not engine.finalpass then
        //* do not print the page if company's type is 'CPAM'                                                                              
        CPAM := (<dmTP."OCPAM"> <> 0);  //* dmTP = external dataset linked to the masterdataband
        //Page1.Visible := not CPAM;            //* I've tried that
        if CPAM then                                  
          //Engine.StopReport                       //* and this
          Report.Terminated := True                                                              

    I hope it's usefull to understand.

    Thanks again
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:38AM
    hide the mdband by setting it's visible property in it's obp event.

    masterdata1.visible := not (<dataset."fieldname"> = 0);
  • jezabeljezabel Angers, France
    edited 5:38AM
    I didn't said that there are other bands (1 groupheader, 2 detaildatas, 1 groupfooter and 1 pagefooter)
    The masterdataband is not visible but not the others.
    Even if I put the same code for each band (GroupHeader1.Visible := MasterData1.Visible;) in their obp event.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:38AM
    it is very hard to try to help you when you don't give all the information.
    if you can please post a demo project in the binaries news group.

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