How to display designer from code

I am new to FastReport and wondered if anyone can help me please? I am using the Standard Edition.
1) How do I get the Report Designer to appear from code? Currently I can only get the designer to appear from the FR Demo program.
2) And what is the name of the executable associated with it that I need to ship with my program?
Thanks in anticipation.
1) How do I get the Report Designer to appear from code? Currently I can only get the designer to appear from the FR Demo program.
2) And what is the name of the executable associated with it that I need to ship with my program?
Thanks in anticipation.
to your delphi form add a report component and a designer component.
typically code would look like this
from a button click event.
you do not have to add any exes as the frx componentsused are compiled into your application .exe
>> to your delphi form add a report component and a designer component.
I'm using C++Builder 2007.
I added a TfrxDesigner component to my form, named it 'Designer', and without doing anything else, ran my app and got a run-time error:
'Error reading Designer->MemoParentFont: Property MemoParentFont does not exist'
Should this happen?
Note that I have TfrxReport and two TfrxUserDataSet components on my form - that's all (from FR). I am loading my report from harddisk.
Any help would be much appreciated.
PS Despite these teething problems, I am very impressed by FR - should do exactly what I want once I have mastered it features. Much better than Rave Reports (from which I've switched) - and the technical support is most helpful