TFRReport reset
Hi all,
Could anyone maybe answer the following newbie question:
I use the sames tFRReport component in ombination with a tFRPreview comp.
When I close the dataset (and the tFRReport) I would like to reset the report.
Simular to the Reportbuilder viewer component 'reset' method
now if I assign a new report file to tFRReport and activate the Preview screen, I get the result of hte previously selected report file while the report is being prepared/generated.
Could anyone maybe answer the following newbie question:
I use the sames tFRReport component in ombination with a tFRPreview comp.
When I close the dataset (and the tFRReport) I would like to reset the report.
Simular to the Reportbuilder viewer component 'reset' method
now if I assign a new report file to tFRReport and activate the Preview screen, I get the result of hte previously selected report file while the report is being prepared/generated.
for a good example using the custom preview look at the fr\demos\reports\frdemo.dpr project.
look at unit1 code it has everything you need.
Thanx for the fast reply!
I had a look at it and it contains all I need indeed.