ShiftSelected in TfsSyntaxMemo
I need to change the number of cloumns a selected text is shifted, so I added a variable into the public section of the TfsSyntaxMemo decleration called shiftcount.
In the create method of TfsSyntaxMemo I set it to 2 as the default value (the value you use as default).
In the ShiftSelected method I set shift to shiftcount.
Could you do please do something in the next release, to let the developer set the shiftcount?
I need to set it to 1 because I want the text only to shift 1 column every time I press ctrl+k+i.
In the create method of TfsSyntaxMemo I set it to 2 as the default value (the value you use as default).
In the ShiftSelected method I set shift to shiftcount.
Could you do please do something in the next release, to let the developer set the shiftcount?
I need to set it to 1 because I want the text only to shift 1 column every time I press ctrl+k+i.