how can i create matrixObject with Datas?. Some Examples please!

MatrixObject matt = new MatrixObject();
        matt.DataSource = per.Matrix1.DataSource;
        FastReport.Matrix.MatrixData mdata  =  // how can i create MatrixData what is its consructer and how can i change matrix Datarows,matrix Datecolumns and matrix datacells
        MatrixHeaderDescriptor mh = new MatrixHeaderDescriptor("[SqlDataSource1.PersonelID]", false);
        matt.Bounds = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 10, Units.Centimeters * 2, Units.Centimeters * 1);

i m trying to create matrixobject. but i m not succeed. please some codes about creating MatrixObject.


  • edited 10:12PM
    Something like this:
          FReport = new Report();
          ReportPage page = new ReportPage();
          page.Name = "Page1";
          page.ReportTitle = new ReportTitleBand();
          page.ReportTitle.Name = "ReportTitle1";
          page.ReportTitle.Height = Units.Centimeters * 5;
          MatrixObject matrix = new MatrixObject();
          // choose data source
          matrix.DataSource = FReport.GetDataSource("MatrixDemo");
          // set up column
          MatrixHeaderDescriptor columnDescriptor = new MatrixHeaderDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.Year]");
          // set up row
          MatrixHeaderDescriptor rowDescriptor = new MatrixHeaderDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.Name]");
          // set up cell
          MatrixCellDescriptor cellDescriptor = new MatrixCellDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.Revenue]", MatrixAggregateFunction.Sum);
          // build the matrix template
          // change the text of column's total cell
          columnDescriptor.TemplateTotalCell.Text = "Grand Total";
          // add the matrix to the page

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