In a text field I have:
[[<ec."ExpctlYrPaid">] ? "Yes" : "No"]
The column ec.ExpctlYrPaid is a boolean (true/false). When the column is "true" then the value to be printed is "Yes" --- otherwise "No". Why do I get this error?
The following error(s) have occured:
Memo2: Error in expression '[<ec.."ExpctlYrPaid">] ? "Yes" : "No":';' expected
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong? Why is it expecting a ";"?
[[<ec."ExpctlYrPaid">] ? "Yes" : "No"]
The column ec.ExpctlYrPaid is a boolean (true/false). When the column is "true" then the value to be printed is "Yes" --- otherwise "No". Why do I get this error?
The following error(s) have occured:
Memo2: Error in expression '[<ec.."ExpctlYrPaid">] ? "Yes" : "No":';' expected
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong? Why is it expecting a ";"?
[IIF(<ec."ExpctlYrPaid">, 'Yes', 'No')]
or use